Demo Environment
Choose your adventure
Kamu + Jupyter Tutorials
Take a self-guided tour through a set of notebooks that will teach you how to use kamu command line tool to build complex data pipelines and share them with others over a decentralized network.
Time: 30 min ~ 2 hours

Kamu Node
Jump straight to Kamu Node web interface to explore example pipelines built by our team and our community, query data, and navigate the blockchain-like provenance that underpins all datasets.
Time: 10 min

Tell us what you think
Please refer to our documentation or talk to us on Discord if you have any questions. We greatly value your feedback!
Terms of Use
- This environment exists for demonstrative purposes only. We reserve the right to reset all the data at any time.
- All data should be considered unreliable or fake.
- Any account names that resemble real people or organizations should be considered coincidental and don't represent any affiliation.
- A GitHub account is currently required to login. Your account name will not be shared with any other parties.
- Please follow our Code of Conduct. Malicious activity will be reported and result in a permanent ban.